

Featherstone Wood uses Beacons to evidence the skills that should be learnt by the end of Year 2 (Beacon 1), end of Year 4 (Beacon 2) and end of Year 6 (Beacon 3). 

Please click on the links below to view the curriculum for each subject.

We useTopic Mats to support the children to be independent learners in each subjuct. When they begin a new topic they will be given their Topic Mat containing the skills they will be using in that topic along with the key information and vocabulary that they will be learning.

Please click the links below to view the topic mats.

* we are currently uploading ourtopic mats and detailed planning. Please look back in a couple of days if the link is not live yet.

Subject overview  Planning        

 Topic Mats

Per Year Group       

Early Years 

Long Term Planning Nursery

Long Term Planning Reception



 Bug Club

Writing   -
Maths   -
Science Our Visions and Principles


3     4

5     6

Computing Computing Curriculum


3     4



1     2

3     4

5     6


1     2




1     2

3     4

5     6



3     4

5     6

RE RE Planning Ideas



5     6


1     2


5     6




1     2

3     4

5     6


1     2

3     4

5     6


Year 3  

Les Fruits

Colours & Nos

Ice Creams

J-Apprends Le Francais

Les Salutations

Twinkle Twinkle


Year 4

Je Peux

Les Animaux

Les Formes

Les Instruments

Les Legumes

Petit Chaperon Rouge


Year 5

Boucle D-Or Et Les Trois Ours

Chez Moi 

En Classe

En Famille

Je Me Presente

Les Romains

Quel Temps Fait Il

Quelle Est La Date Aujourd-hui


Year 6

La Seconde Guerre Mondi part 1

La Seconde Guerre Mondi part 2

Les Habitats part 1

Les Habitats part 2

Manger et Bouger


My Hidden Chimp    
Enrichment Activities    


We are a skills based school, the classes designed our own skills square which evidences the skills we are focusing on as a school. Each term the children work on applying and developing these skills. The children are all aware of all these skills  and how they support us to be a good learners. They refer to them when discussing their learning. Over the course of a term they can collect stickers for each skill and receive, in our achievement assembly on Friday mornings, their Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum award. 


  • Bronze – 3 stickers (over any of the skills)
  • Silver – 15 stickers(over any of the skills)
  • Gold – 24 stickers (all skills covered)
  • Platinum –  Gold in all three terms

The Platinum award will be something exciting at the end of the year as it will take a lot of hard work and determination to achieve.

We have worked together to come up with Featherstone Wood's Characteristics of a learner and all the children are working towards becoming independent in these. Please click below to see how these skills develop accross the key stages.

Early Years  













Our Diary Dates