Our Office


The school office is open from 8.30am until 4pm. Please contact the office via email at admin@featherstonewood.herts.sch.uk or 01438 235550.

Breakfast clubs runs from 7.45am every morning and can booked on Arbor. The charge is £3.00 per child per session.


Timings for classes are:

Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6    8.45am - 3.15pm

Reception and 30 hours children    8.45am - 3.15pm

Nursery    8.45am - 11.45am



Our compulsory 'logo' school uniform can be ordered direct from Mapac via the following link: https://www.mapac.com/education/parents/uniform/featherstonewoodsg29pp



•     Navy blue sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo

•     White polo shirt

•     Grey tailored trousers/grey tailored skirt/pinafore. (NO skinny trousers or leggings)

•     PE Kit - navy blue shorts and white t-shirt with school logo.  In addition, children may also wear navy blue jogging bottoms for outside PE in the winter months ONLY.

•     Trainers for outside play/PE.

•     Navy blue or black coat (where possible).

•     Black School Shoes (NOT black trainers)



A reminder that NO leggings are to be worn, however children may wear ‘short’ cycling shorts under their dresses/skirts.

We are sourcing uniform from a new supplier - link to follow

For Health & Safety reasons children should not wear ‘hoop’ earrings – only ‘studs’ are permitted.

If you have any concerns regarding our school uniform, please speak to a member of the Senior Leadership Team.


Please ensure that PE kit is in school all week



Our Diary Dates