Maths Curriculum


As a school, we use White Rose Maths to ensure learning progression builds year on year for the children to be successful mathematicians from EYFS to Year 6. We provide challenge throughout lessons and specific interventions are used to support children where needed.

At Featherstone Wood, we use the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach and encourage the use of manipulatives throughout the school.

How to help your child at home

There are lots of different ways you can help your child in Maths through everyday daily activities. This could include: spotting shapes and patterns, counting, singing songs counting forwards and backwards, using money in shops, baking together or measuring.

These are links to online games that you may find helpful and fun for your child.

Our scheme of learning: White Rose

CBeebies EYFS/Key Stage 1

BBC Bitesize Key Stage 2


Times Table Rockstars

At Featherstone Wood, we use the Times Table Rockstars Programme to engage children in learning their multiplication times tables and division facts as well as improving their recall at speed. These programme begins in Key Stage 2 (Year 3-6), although some keen children do start in Key Stage 1!

The statutory Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) taken place at the end of Year 4 in June. This is to check that children are achieving age related expectations in their recall of these facts. Core mathematical learning in Year 5 and 6 relies on these skills.

Our Diary Dates