Our Governors

The Governing Body includes representatives of Featherstone Wood staff, parents, the LA and local community.

Our role as governors is to be 'critical friends' of the school. We aim to provide support and encouragement as well as recognising and celebrating the school's achievements. But we are also there to challenge and question the school to ensure that the budget is well spent and that areas for improvement continue to be identified and pursued.

Being a governor at Featherstone Wood is a challenging but rewarding experience. As governors, we need to ensure we are fully aware of the changes to education so that we can make a valuable contribution to school improvement. Working with the Featherstone Wood School team is immensely inspiring. As governors, we can see how much time and energy is given to the school by the dedicated staff team.

Find out more about becoming a School Governor with these videos:

 Make an impact - Become a School Governor - https://youtu.be/SoMsVNRg3rc

Becoming a School Governor - https://youtu.be/p3z1FZoYvNc 


Meet Our Governors

Jason Brown

Chair of Featherstone Wood Governors

SEN & GDPR Governor

I have been a Governor at Featherstone Wood Primary School since December 2018 and I have enjoyed working with such a dedicated team of Governors and staff who are trying to help improve all aspects of education for the children at our school. I have a son in year 6 who has made great progress since he started at the school when we moved to the area a couple of years ago. I have worked as a Civil Servant for the Ministry of Justice for over 20 years and I am currently working with young men who are involved in gangs in the London area. 

My hobbies are Rugby and fly fishing. 


Kayleigh Kingsland

Clerk to the Governors



Staff Governors

Mrs M Newhouse
Miss S Haynes
Our Diary Dates