

Featherstone Wood is a community school and admits children in accordance with the Education Authority’s Education Policy as set out in the booklet ‘Primary Education’ available at the school or Local Education Office. The school year runs from the 1st September to 31st August.

Please click on the link for further information:

We would love to show you round our school and look forward to meeting you.


Starting Nursery

Nursery Applications for September

If you have a child born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021 they are eligible for a Nursery place now. If you have a child born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022 they are eligible to start Nursery in September 2025.

Pupils are also able to start in our Nursery the term after they turn three.  If your child turned 3 between September and December 2021 they can start in January 2025 and if they turn 3 between January and March 2022 they can start in April 2025 rather than waiting until the September.  They will then continue in our Nursery until they are old enough to apply for their Reception place.

All applications for Nursery places are handled directly by the school. Please contact the office to collect an application form.


30 Hours

We offer 30 hours free nursery early education.

For more information and to find out if you are eligible visit


Please click here for our Admissions Policy


Starting Reception

Reception Applications for September 2025

If you have a child in our Nursery you still need to make an application for their Reception place in September 2025.  The online system opens on 1st November 2024 and the deadline is 15th January 2025. National alloction day is 16th April 2025.

We have an open evening on Thursday 14th November 2024 from 4.00pm til 5.00pm for prospective parents to view our Early Years environment and meet our Early Years team.

All children start in Reception in September. We ensure that transition sessions are held to support our children and families with starting full-time school.

All applications for reception places are handled by the Local Authority and can be accessed on the link above. If you do not have access to a computer or you would like support in applying please contact the school office, we are more than happy to help.

In Year Admissions

Joining - moving to a new school is a major decision that you may choose to make for a variety of reasons. It is important that you discuss it with your child’s current school and visit potential new schools before finalising decisions. This process is called ‘in-year’ admissions and all applications are now handled via your child’s home Local Authority (please use the link above). If you are looking for a Nursery place halfway through the year, please contact the school office, as these are the only in-year admissions that are handled directly by the school.

Leavingmoving schools is always a difficult and emotional decision. It is important that discussions take place with your current school and we look forward to meeting you. 

Arrangements for the admission of pupils with disabilities 

In line with the SEN and Disability Act, we will not discriminate against disabled children and we will take all reasonable steps to provide effective educational provision. In order that children who have a disability may be catered for, the school seeks advice from the Local Authority. It may be necessary in some cases for specialised equipment to be purchased, support staff to be employed, and minor adaptations to be made to buildings and furniture. These will need to be done in consultation with the Local Authority.


Our Diary Dates