Our Weekly Assembly Timetable
Monday – Whole School Assembly
In this assembly, we introduce our main theme of the week. This will be linked to an inspirational figure. We focus on our theme by sharing a rich text about their life.
Tuesday – Singing Assembly
The whole school gather to learn new songs and musical language.
Wednesday - House Assembly
This assembly is led by our House Captains. They deliver the information to the children in their house teams. It provides an opportunity for the children to delve deeper into our theme of the week. The House Captains also use this time to set house challenges which encourage the children to help their house win the weekly house competition by earning extra points.
Thursday – Class Assembly
Each class takes a turn to put on a show for their adults. Adults are invited (via Livestorm) to watch their child take on their role.
Friday – Celebration Assembly
Each week the whole school gathers together to celebrate individual and team successes. Each class selects a Star of the Week, Star Reader and Maths Star. Sporting successes and birthdays are also celebrated. Children also share home achievements such as sports club awards in this assembly.
Spring 2
Week 1 - Little People, Big Dreams: Mary Anning - Art. 2 - All children have these rights.
Spring 1
Week 6 - Little People, Big Dreams: Charles Darwin - Art. 29 - Your education should develop your respect for the natural world.
Week 5 - Little People, Big Dreams: Rosa Parks - Art. 2 - All children have these rights.
Week 4 - Little People, Big Dreams: Anne Frank - Art. 30 - You have the right to practice your own religion.
Week 3 - Little People, Big Dreams: Martin Luther King, Jr - Art. 2 - All children have these rights.
Week 2 - Tek: The Modern Cave Boy - Art. 17 - You have the right to information that is important to your wellbeing.
Week 1 - Little People, Big Dreams: Stephen Hawking - Art. 24 - You have the right to the best healthcare possible.
Autumn 2
Week 7 - Eight Nights Eight Lights - Art. 30 You Have the Right to Practice Your Religion
Week 6 - Refuge - Art. 30 You Have the Right to Practice Your Religion
Week 5 - Vanessa Nakate - Art. 29 My Education Should Develop My Respect for the Natural Environment
Week 4 - The Birthday of Guru Nanak - The Right to Practice Your Religion
Week 3 - Malala Yousafzai - Art. 2 All Children have these Rights
Week 1 - The Girl Who Could Fix Anything - Art. 39 The Right to Freedom from War
Autumn 1
Week 8 - The Abilities in Me: Superstar Siblings - Art. 24 The Right to be as Healthy as Possible
Week 7 - Greta Thunberg - Art. 29 My Education Should Develop My Respect For the Environment
Week 6 - Jean-Michel Basquiat - Art. 2 All Children Have These Rights
Week 5 - Harvest Days: Giving Thanks Around the World - Art. 29 My Education Should Develop My Respect for All Cultures
Week 4 - Ranvir Cannot Hear - Art. 23 You Have the Right to Special Help and Care
Week 3 - My Hair - Art. 29 My Education Should Develop My Respect for All Cultures
Week 2 - Stan Lee - Art. 29 The Right to Develop Your Talents
Week 1 - How to Shine Bright in Primary School - Art. 6 You Should be Supported to Grow
2023-24 Assembly Themes
Summer Term Assemblies
Summer 2
Week 7 - Megan Rapinoe - Art. 29 The Right to Develop Your Talents and Abilities
Week 6 - Lewis Hamilton - Art. 2 All Children Have These Rights
Week 5 - Our Skin - Art. 2 All Children Have These Rights
Week 4 - Evonne Goolagong - Art. 2 All Children Have These Rights
Week 3 - Taylor Swift - Art. 17 The Right to Information Important to Your Wellbeing
Week 2 - Wilma Rudolph - Art. 5 The Right to Support From Your Family
Week 1 - Marcus Rashford - Art. 24 The Right to Healthy Food and Article 31 The Right to Play
Summer 1
Week 6 - Greta Thunberg - Art. 29 Your Education Should Develop Your Respect For The Natural World
Week 5 - David Bowie - Art. 31 The Right To Play
Week 4 - Florence Nightingale - Art. 24 The Right To The Best Health Care
Week 3 - Passover - Art. 14 The Right To Your Own Thoughts And Beliefs
Week 2 - Vanessa Nakate - Art. 29 Your Education Should Develop Your Respect For The Natural World
Week 1 - Frida Kahlo - Art. 12 The Right To Be Listened To
Spring Term Assemblies
Spring 2
Week 5 - Spring Rabbit - Art. 29 Your Education Should Develop Your Respect For The Natural World
Week 4 - Amanda Gorman - Art. 23 The Right to Special Help If You Need It
Week 3 - Ramadan - Art. 14 The Right to Practice My Religion
Week 2 - Hans Christian Andersen - Art. 26 The Right to Develop My Talents
Week 1 - Mary Anning - Art. 2 All Children Have Rights
Spring 1
Week 5 - Rosa Parks - Art. 2 All Children Have Rights
Week 4 - Chinese New Year - Art. 29 Develop Respect For Other Cultures
Week 3 - Martin Luther King Jr - Art. 2 All Children Have These Rights
Week 2 - Stephen Hawking - Art. 24 The Right to Health Care
Week 1 - New Year and Resolutions - Art. 12 The Right To Be Listened To
Autumn Term Assemblies
Autumn 2
Week 8 -Refuge - Art. 14 The Right to Own Thoughts and Beliefs
Week 7 - Eight Nights Eight Lights - Art. 14 The Right to Own Thoughts and Beliefs
Week 6 - Joy to the World - Art. 14 The Right to Own Thoughts and Beliefs
Week 5 - Spend It - Art. 28 The Right to a Good Education
Week 4 - LPBD Malala Yousafzai - Art. 2 All Children Have These Rights
Week 3 - LPBD Alan Turing - Art. 29 The Right to Develop Our Abilities
Week 2 - Remembrance - Art. 39 The Right to Freedom From War
Week 1 - Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot - Art. 30 The Right to Practice Your Religion
Autumn 1
Week 7 - Food in stories - Art. 24 The Right to Healthy Food
Week 6 - LPBD Dwayne Johnson - Art. 29 Your Education Should Develop Your Abilities
Week 5 - Harvest Celebrations - Art. 29 Your Education Should Develop Your Respect For Cultural Beliefs
Week 4 - Making Connections - Art. 8 The Right to An Identity
Week 3 - Abilities not Disabilities - Art. 29 The Right to Develop Our Abilities
Week 2 - Sharing Our Interests - Art. 8 The Right An Identity
Week 1 - Emotions and Change - Art. 12 The Right to Our Opinion